May 2024
From our Reader, Hil
A few weeks ago following a talk at the Knutsford Rotary my husband, John, returned home to tell me of a collection taking place to support people in the Ukraine. Help was desperately needed in the form of warm coats and clothing, children's books and medical aids such as walking sticks and crutches. This collection was being led by a retired gentleman in Knutsford who has been buying old ambulances, doing them up, then filling them to the gunnels with all the donated goods. He then drives the ambulances 1,500 miles to Jowrey which takes three days, then hands over in Poland to the Ukrainians, eight miles from their border. The ambulances are then left there as vehicles for the Ukranians to use. Four have already been taken and another two are being prepared, but I’m sure it won’t end there! He has also managed to raise £38,500.
I put a large cardboard box in St Cross Church and hoped to fill it. However……no less than three Volvo car loads of donated goods have been sent which somewhat exceeded my wildest dreams! Thank you all so very much from myself and all the volunteers, for the generosity of the parishioners and friends of St Cross.
Reader, Hilary Savage
pictured below at one of our collections: Left to Right
Sue and Rick Dallymore from Knutsford Rotary, myself and our Vicar, Paul.