St Cross, Knutsford

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Electoral Roll Revision 2025


The St Cross Church Electoral Roll lists the names of lay people who are associated with the Church.

In 2025 - and every six years - the Roll is completely revised, when no names are carried over from the old Roll. If people wish to be included on the new Roll, an application form has to be completed.

Throughout March, the form is distributed after Church Services. It should be completed and returned no later than 30th March 2025 to Church Attendants or Paul Webster (as Electoral Roll Officer).

People whose names are on the St Cross Church Electoral Roll can vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) to elect laity representatives of the Parochial Church Council, which helps the running of the Church.

At the APCM, people whose names are on the Roll can also elect laity representatives of the Knutsford Deanery Synod, which promotes the vision of the Church of England and discusses matters of wider concern to the Church and to the community. The Knutsford Deanery Synod is chaired currently by Revd Paul Deakin, as Rural Dean of Knutsford.

The APCM reviews the life of the Church, including Parish activities and financial matters. This year the APCM is on Sunday 27 April after refreshments following the 10.00am Service.

Click on the links below for the Application Form


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