On Saturday December 7th, late in the cold dry afternoon it was a privilege to lead the Knutsford Council Community Crib Service with my colleagues from the other churches in Knutsford. We were fortunate to have Sale Brass Band to be there as the accompaniment for all the carols and Egerton Primary School Choir were on hand to sing carols with us, as well as lead us into the singing the final verse of Away in a Manger. There was a healthy crowd on hand with people from all the churches, as well as parents and relatives of the children's choir who were also supported by their dedicated teachers .
The Town Mayor, Councillor Andrew Malloy shared his experiences of meeting homeless people in Knutsford and urged everyone to think about how we can help those less fortunate than ourselves in this forthcoming season of goodwill. It followed on from our Vicar, Paul's message that the birth of Jesus was for everyone, rich and poor, as shown in the crib scene with the shepherds and the wise men. The Crib Scene was blessed by Father John from St Vincent's Roman Catholic Church. I also said that it pleases the heart of God when we can help those are hungry or some other need, and those who are poorly or feel lonely because Christmas can be a lonely time for some people. The full transcript of my reflection can be found elsewhere in the news articles for our website. Reverend Nigel Atkinson from Saint John the Baptist Church, Knutsford read the Bible readings from Luke Chapter 2 and Reverend Rob Cotton of Knutsford Methodist Church offered prayer.