St Cross, Knutsford

Tel: 01565 640702

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Vicar's Letter

The Vicar writes……… 


All the seasons of the year have a particular beauty or appeal, and their own challenges too. I think my favourite season has to be springtime. In the winter months one can walk across the Moor and see our church tower in the distance through the trees. The church, that is the people, are a witness itself to the love of God, but the emerging greenery of the spring is another witness to the endless power and the divine nature of the living God (Romans 1.20). The church owes its existence to God’s

revelation given to us in Jesus and the season of Easter for us, falls into this time of year when the freshness and promise of new life is springing forth. We should feel a deep sense of resurrection joy in our daily living, but also in our common life as a Church.


It is almost a year since I took post and I can look back with so much gratitude and see the hand of God in what we are seeking to do. Since I last wrote, Holy Week in particular, was an extra-ordinary time of shared devotion and worship. All services were well attended. Holy Week started with the Quiet Day and culminated on Easter Day where all three services had their own particular appeal. I really sense we all share some optimism, and no shortage of joy, like those first followers of Jesus, in sharing a part in God’s mission to the world.


I have been deeply touched by the joyful generosity of everyone, in supporting local community projects bringing hope to

others. Jesus said, when do things like this, we do it for him (Matthew 25). Can there be a greater joy than pleasing him? And then there is our Appeal. What was asked for seemed to be a tall order, but the response for the Appeal has come swiftly through a large number of donations. The result of which was a prayer answered beyond my expectations.  May you all this Spring be filled with the joy of being Easter people, and share that resurrection joy with others.


Yours in His Service




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